It was a cloudy winter morning with snowflakes gently drifting to the ground when my brother took me to see the bear den he had found at the Rock’n B.
A Gentle Snow Fall at the Rock’n B
We have encountered numerous bears while hiking in Colorado. In the summer of 2014 we got a picture of this black bear with the motion sensing cameras we have at the Rock’n B.
Black Bear – taken with motion sensing camera – July 2014
A few months earlier a bear broke into the little camper we have at the Rock'n B. The "break-in" was likely just after the bear woke up from hibernation. It is said that no animal has a keener sense of smell than a bear, and I believe it. We had no food in the trailer except for a sealed can of coffee, tea bags and coffee creamer in one cupboard. The bear only opened one cupboard, the one with the coffee, tea and creamer. He ate them all. Perhaps he needed a little caffeine after waking up from a long winters nap.
On this beautiful winter day my brother showed me the bear den he had discovered. It was at the base on the south side of an outcropping. The bear had taken full advantage of the warmer southern exposure. The bear used the crevice in the side of the hillside for the den and pulled dirt and plants to cover the opening of the crevice.
Bear Den
We will be placing motion sensing cameras near the outside of the den. Stay tuned to the A Nature Walk with God as we will provide an update later in the year (likely early May). Hopefully we will have a video of the bear (perhaps cubs also) leaving the den.
Daniel 3:81: …All you beasts, wild and tame, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him forever.
Len Brammeier, 2/13/2015