Sunset, Caprock Canyons State Park, TX
Our prayers go out to those in Parkland, Florida and everyone that is in mourning.
O Jesus! Comforter of those that mourn, hear us.
For those mourning the death of loved ones, Comfort us, Jesus.
For those mourning the loss of friendships or family relationships, Comfort us, Jesus.
For those mourning the loss of physical or mental capabilities, Comfort us, Jesus.
That we may take our sorrows and place them on the cross of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, grant us the grace to desire it.
That Our Lord may take our sorrows and use them to spread his love and peace throughout the world, Jesus, grant us the grace to desire it.
That Our Lord may grant us his perfect peace of heart and mind so that we may more closely follow his commandments of loving God and neighbor, Jesus, grant us the grace to desire it.