Bull Elk Bugling, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
It was a cold, rainy autumn evening when I heard the call of this magnificent bull elk. I have heard the scream of bull elk hundreds of times; and yet, each time I hear the eerie sound of a big bull bugling something deep inside of me begins to stir.
This stirring of something deep inside reminds me of the Holy Spirit. It was Elijah that heard the call of the Holy Spirit while waiting out a storm inside a cave on the mountain of Horeb.
“There was a strong and violent wind rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the LORD—but the LORD was not in the wind; after the wind, an earthquake—but the LORD was not in the earthquake; after the earthquake, fire—but the LORD was not in the fire; after the fire, a light silent sound. When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.” 1 Kings 19:11-13
Elijah heard the sound of the Lord in silence. For many Christians the voice of the Holy Spirit cannot be easily discerned. The Holy Spirit does not often manifest himself like the scream of a bull elk bugling. The Spirit’s soft, silent voice often seems to get lost in the hustle, bustle and events of our daily lives.
An active participation in the life of the Church including prayer, fellowship, sacraments, bible reading, and fellowship enhances our ability to hear the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives. However; the lives of Jesus, the Apostles and the Saints point to two items that are fundamental to hearing the call of God in our lives. These items are forgiveness and humility. The bellowing loud voices in our souls of contempt and pride can drown out the soft, yet persistent voice of our Lord.
Contempt for others and pride, I have found for myself, have often hidden themselves from my casual notice. I have asked the Lord for the grace to know myself, so that I can identify my sources of hate and pride and begin to change. Hopefully in doing so I will be able to better hear the beautiful call of our Lord.
In what areas of your life might contempt for others and pride be hiding? Ask the Lord for his grace to know yourself and to change.
I pray that the call of our Lord will stir all of us and renew our souls.
#anaturewalk #AimHighWalkwithGod #ListentoHisCall