Bald Eagle, Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, Washington, USA
Some might say it is the strangest of Christian concepts; that love is stronger than hate, that charity can overcome selfishness, that turning the other cheek will conquer evil (Mt 5:39), that loving our enemy is a requirement to living the Christian life (Mt 5:44).
“For God so loved the world” (John 3:16) that he gave himself to be crucified on a cross, not only to save us, but to show us “The Way”. God, being God, could have chosen a different way, but instead choose to show us how to love completely, a giving of one’s self for another.
The trajectory of each Christian’s life, and the Christian community as a whole, should be one of conquering hate with love.
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21)
Let us lift each other up by acts of charity done through Love.
St. John Paul II said, “Peace is the outcome of a long and demanding battle which is only won when evil is defeated by good.”
#anaturewalk #WalkwithGod #LiftedUpByLove