Great Blue Heron, Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, WA, USA
Pause for a moment, like this heron. Then ponder the words of John 3:16. Focus for a moment, not on what it means for your future, but on what it tells you of God.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” ~ John 3:16
Think about it...”In this way the love of God was revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him.” ~ 1 Jn 4:9
As we approach Easter let us contemplate the love of God (see 1 Jn 4:8). It is said that God became man for four reasons:(*)
1) The Word became flesh for us in order to save us by reconciling us with God
~1 Jn 4:10; 1 Jn 4:14; 1 Jn 3:5
2) The Word became flesh so that we might know God's love
~1 Jn 4:9 Jn 3:16, Jn 15: 9-14
3) The Word became flesh to be our model of holiness
~ Jn 15:12; Mk 8:34; Mt 11:29; Jn 14:6; Mk 9:7; Dt 6:4-5
4) The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature"
~2 Pt 1:4
Peace be with you as you prepare your heart for Easter.
(*) CCC par 456-460
#anaturewalkwithGod #ThinkAboutIt