Sunset, Nehalem Bay Beach State Park, OR, USA
“How difficult it is, at every level, to defuse conflicts!... Jesus knows that on our own we are not able to cultivate peace, that we need help, that we need a gift… This peace is the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit of Jesus… It is He, the Holy Spirit, who disarms the heart and fills it with serenity. It is He, the Holy Spirit, who loosens rigidity and extinguishes the temptations to attack others. It is He, the Holy Spirit, who reminds us that there are brothers and sisters beside us, not obstacles or adversaries. It is He, the Holy Spirit, who gives us the strength to forgive, to begin again, to set out anew because we cannot do this with our own strength. And it is with Him, with the Holy Spirit, that we become men and women of peace.” ~ Pope Francis