
Reflection #1 - Abba

I was at the park cuddling my new grandbaby against my chest as she softly cried and I sung “Abba Father”. Slowly her sobs turned into deep breaths and soon she was sound asleep.

The infinite God of the universe has revealed himself in many ways but perhaps in no way has he more definitively revealed himself than through relationships, particularly the relationship of a loving father. Understanding loving relationships is at the heart of understanding the triune God, the one who is love (1 John 4: 8, 16).

I remember fishing with my dad. He would calmly eye the water, looking at swirls, eddies and deep dark holes, before he would point out the best place to fish. Then he would help my brother, sister, mom and I rig up our lines and cast our poles. Dad spent more time untangling line than he did fishing but always with a smile. Dad, in his own way, was teaching me patience, a virtue that I would lean on throughout my life.

As I reflect back on life, Dad, and mom, taught me the virtues I would need to live life to the full. Undergirding all of Dad’s teaching was love. Dad’s love was not a superficial love but a deep, abiding love. Dad worked many jobs to keep food on the table but always had time to spend with family.

My dad died at the age of 40 from brain cancer but even through death he showed us how-to live-in love, as he kept his eyes on his loved ones, caring for them until the end. Dad showed his affection through action and deed. He cared about my future and diligently prepared me, and my siblings, to always strive to be our best, what God wants us to be.

I am blessed, my father was a truly loving father. Jesus many times in the bible refers to his Heavenly Father as a loving father. In the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) Jesus tells us of the never-ending love of our Heavenly Father. In this story as the son returns to his father you see the father acting as a “Daddy”. “While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.” ~ Luke 15: 20

When I die, I visualize Jesus, mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, Mary and Joseph, arm-in-arm running to greet me at heaven’s gate, only to be led by my Heavenly Daddy, running at full speed with the wind of the Holy Spirit in his hair, meeting me, embracing me and kissing me.

Peace be with you,

Your friends at A Nature Walk with God

– written as follow-up to post written 6/2/2024 - Abba