Columbine Flowers, Olympia, WA USA
Learn from the way the wildflowers grow.
Smiling at the rain,
bending in the wind,
reaching up to the sky,
kissing the sun,
radiating color,
bringing forth life,
becoming what God intended,
a colorful light for the world.
Let us learn from how the wildflowers grow.
Worry is a thief. It robs us of the moment. It robs us of our colorful light. Jesus tells us not to worry but to trust in God. “If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?” So let us trust in the Lord and blossom into the people God meant us to be, radiating our colorful light to all through love of God and neighbor.
An additional reflection on living in the moment with trust is God is on our website at and read “Reflection # 2 – Wildflowers”
Peace be with you.
Your friends at A Nature Walk with God.