Osprey holding fish, Willapa Hills State Park Trail, Chehalis, WA USA
Look close at this Osprey, also called the fisher hawk. While it rests on a tree next to the Newaukum River it holds a fish in its right talon while seemingly to be constantly searching the horizon for more fish….
Jesus asked two men, Peter and his brother Andrew, simple fishermen, not rabbis or scholars, to follow him, to become his disciples. Jesus would take these two men, and a few others, from small desert villages and transform them, and they would transform the world, not through might but through love.
The invitation that Jesus gave to Peter and Andrew is an invitation to all, to become fishers of men. What does it mean to be a fisher of men? St. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:12 that “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” So a fisher of men is a person that invites people to become a new creation in Christ.
For more information on the hope that the Osprey represents to the ecology of the world visit our website at https://www.anaturewalkwithgod.com/learnmore and read “Reflection # 4 – Osprey and Ecological Hope”
Peace be with you.
Your friends at A Nature Walk with God.