
The Lifting of Clouds

Hood Canal as viewed from Potlatch State Park, WA USA

“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen” - Hebrews 11:1

Our Christian faith opens up new horizons even in the most troubling of times.  For the last couple of years I have battled both heart issues and cancer but, through the gift of faith, I knew God was with me.  Knowing God was with me then gave rise to hope, hope in Christ’s promise of our eternal home.  Christian hope removes fear and gives us peace.   Living in peace then enabled me to love, taking my focus off myself and onto the caring of others.  And amazingly, caring for others brought me additional peace.

My heart condition has resolved and my chemotherapy is completed with my cancer in remission. I give praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for healing but especially for the virtues of faith, hope and love that can lift every dark cloud.

May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you.